Wednesday, August 18, 2021

They Made Me Do This! Again.

UCP Have Got To Go

I started this blog in 2010 cuz of Ed Stelmach. I put it to sleep when he was dealt with. I'm needing to resurrect this blog cuz UCP are just not gonna smarten up, are they? And they have quite a few 'supporters' enriching themselves, while aiding and abiding with UCP's Privatization Scheme re: Everything Alberta. It's that simple.

They've attacked almost every sector that was profitable and being supported by previous governments and more importantly, requested and supported by the citizens, as a majority. Their latest ploy to firehose (it's a term now) the UNA and AMA re: the rising lack of physicians and nurses are cuz " they're on vacation" is one of the biggest lies UCP and AHS have told Albertans yet. And they've been dishing out some doozies. 

Other people have been kind enough to keep track since the beginning (Fire The UCP), since we have Justice Minister that is self-serving and a Gaslighting fraud himself and an Ethics Commissioner that seems to not know how to use materials presented when investigating Election fraud and Crisis Profiteering by politicians, their families and cronies. 

My 2nd blog post announcing the return of  Help Save Alberta concerns the Call To Action held last week by the UNA, in particular, my own take on the gathering as I attended the one in my town. Hope you have a read and share. Thank you for listening.  

Written by Dominique Clark

Where Is Everybody?!?!?!


(UNA - Not Just About The Money)

UCP Crisis Privatization Profiteering While Destroying Alberta Healthcare System

Most of us agree that Alberta’s UCP government is detrimental to every citizen unless you’re a part of the Privatization Plan. As Canadians, we’re given access to Universal Health Care, via Federal Ministry Funding distribution. Yet the UCP are governing like It's already privatized to the benefit a few well-placed donors and reward those who break to law to make it all happen. As the UCP enrich their family, friends and donors, #Albertans, as a society suffers continuous and increasing unnecessary public health risks and economic hardships. No sector is immune to UCP desecration, including Nursing. 

Nurse have been frontline workers before officials declared Covid19 a pandemic. They worked without PPE, data collection or legislation to protect them while they battle with an unknows sickness that was touching every continent and nobody was listening to their warnings. Alberta Nurses were also dealing with the same chaos and still showing up to work despite having a wage freeze for the last 5 years, due to ‘stalled’ contract negotiations. Prior to Covid19 Pandemic, Nurses were poised to strike and rightly so. But instead, THEY SHOWED UP. Without support, supplies or information regarding what they were dealing with.  Alberta UCP and Dr. Tyler Shandro have been some of the biggest Science Deniers and political gas-lighters Canada has ever had to deal with. Covid19 showed their lack of empathy, their lack of connection with Albertans, their disregard of law as applied to their caucus and public image. And they continuously demanded help from the Federal Government, while refusing to accept the help when offered. UCP’s Catch22 grift.

Nurses have been showing for 18 months, despite funding cuts, program cuts, bed closures, doctor shortages, PPE shortages, test kit shortages & less talked about verbal and physical abuse that has been amped up with people’s perception of rights that don’t exist. Mockstrictions really brought out the worst in individuals.

As a reward for their sacrifice, dedication and loyalty to Albertans, UCP has gone ahead to try and change legislation removing Nurses’ authority while on shift, causing chaos and holes in liability and chain of command. Along with more funding cuts, UCP have decided Alberta nurses are over-paid, comparing (gaslighting) to other provincial entities. Not only are nurses over-paid but they were over-paid during the whole Pandemic thing, so they need to have a retro-active salary roll-back. Say what?!?!?!

So, the UNA held a Call - To - Action on Aug. 11. 2021, to inform Albertans re: attacks by the UCP, the destabilization of the healthcare system & the increased risks they take while facing increased bed closures, less physicians (they ARE leaving) & things aren’t improving. As the UCP planned, using the Pandemic as an opportunity to cause chaos, confusion & division. Almost a carbon copy of their heroes, Trumpchumps – Republicans & GOP. 

Town residents, and travelers, barely looked as they whizzed by on Highway 43, some turning off in between the small crowd of nurses and family members, holding their signs and pamphlets. And I was there, just a citizen. I was asked who I was there for, three times. Each time I said, “For you guys.” Taken back is the best way I can describe how they reacted, even with masks on, I could see surprise in their eyes.

Nobody stopped and parked to join the crowd. Nobody slowed down long enough to grab a pamphlet or ask any questions. Nobody stopped to say thank you and we support you. Those same people who want to rally for MADD and Anti-bully rallies but can’t take two hours to show support for nurses and care-providers.

Do better, Alberta. Support Healthcare workers 24/7, as they support you, the best they can with what they have. Don’t allow UCP to cut their wages or anybody who is a frontline worker. Don’t allow UCP to continue to privatize our Healthcare System to enrich his donors more, while Albertans receive less in return. Let’s keep what we have and improve on it.

Just show up, people!

Dominique Clark

Concerned Citizen, Worried Canadian, still Proud Albertan.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Interesting past statements by Mr. Stelmach....(refreshing the memories of albertans everywhere)

I wish to help in informing the Alberta voters of statements/comments made by our faltering Premier, since the beginning of his dismal run in office. It was pretty easy finding the articles. It wasn't so obvious choosing the best because they were all priceless. I'm starting to be able to distinguish when Mr. Stelmach's speechwriter may have been on sick days/vacation, by the quality of the nonsense being said. The quotes below were all made by Eddy with complete article links. I wouldn't want anybody to think I would try to show Steady Eddy out of context. That wouldn't show integrity or honesty, now, would it? “The A and B Crews are working and the C Crew is at home until they change their attitude,” he said, during prepared remarks. (November 12, 2009) This statement by Eddy is what inspired my Nov. 12, 2009 post. And the various responses have been better than I could possibly imagine.) "People whisper in my ear," Stelmach told Maclean's in an interview this week, "and say, 'Ed, please don't change. We like your honesty, we like your integrity and, most of all, you're a very modest individual.' " ( March 3, 2008) Stelmach gives himself, cabinet hefty pay raise (May, 2008) I was furious when I knew this, in 2008. Most of those around me were unconcerned and wished I would just let it go. And I did. So forgive me when I wasn't so passionate about most of Alberta discovering this fact just now. What you doing when it happened, really??? So, move on. "...Mr. Speaker, you know what? I'm going to take the word of this nurse (Fritz) over any bus driver any doggone time." (Just FYI, sassylassy drove a school bus, too. So this one hurt, personally.) In 1999, Klein shifted Stelmach to the new Infrastructure portfolio, where he made traffic safety a priority, increasing fines for traffic offenses, sometimes by as much as 700%. He also briefly aroused controversy by proposing reversing the slow and fast lanes on provincial highways, on the grounds that this would equalize the rate at which the lanes broke down and therefore save on maintenance costs; nothing came of the proposal. He established a fund for capital projects, but has been criticized for not doing enough to address the deterioration of the province's infrastructure. (This website also provides a extensive quick glimpse at what Eddy's been up to since 1986. Definitively worth reading. I found it to be impartial yet quite complete. Well done.)I stress again, how these are only a few gems collected of Mr. Stelmach's speeches and unsolicited comments. I, personally, find the comic relief almost too much to bare yet simultaneously, experience red rages when I hear "Premier Stelmach" being mentioned. He was excellent as passing himself off as unassuming; having the ear of the people (didn't know it was "The Voices" lol); like G.W.B., Eddy complains or attacks situations he created or co-created back then when he was in charge of those very ministries of government. I think I may have stumbled upon an expandable subject, maybe even a venture for sassylassy. I share with the reader that I had a blast reading the contents for every article linked. It proved one of my easier posts to write. To those who reached the bottom, please leave any comments/rating, regarding this post or any other of my posts. Development of this particular post maybe a viable possibility....(na,na,na,

The State of Our Province....

This was first posted in late 2009, on my first blog. It still applies to the State of our Province today, for the most part. Please read on...

Here's a useful website of information as our future continues to darken: This is where you might find clues as to where our taxpayer money is really going. This site also allows us to view just how much time is spent on travel. It helps guide you through the sloppy back-talk of pipe dream promises and useless incomplete/misleading information. My opinions regarding this current government have not changed over the past 2 years, except in intensity. I was proud of this province: the landscape, the opportunities, the future. All those things are looking bleak. The landscape is disappearing under pest infestations and subdivisions by the hundreds. The opportunities once offered by our resources were taken away by rash, unfounded decisions made by a greedy government. (That's biting the hands that feed you.) Our once "Forge Ahead, Build, Invest, Expand" Future has been turned into foreclosures, repossessions, unemployment rates resembling the 1980s, company closures at an all time high. Where is the business generated by Steady Eddy's trips to Texas under the guise of a business development committee. Where's the work? Where are the investments into our province? In December 2007, I had a Letter to the Editor published in the Edmonton Journal. Although the original title was "Dear Mr.Stelmach ", it was printed as "Oilpatch workers pay the price". The results from this letter was personally rewarding. And my husband was employed with weeks after it was circulated. After reading it again, I found that is was a good way to remind Albertans how we ended up in such mayhem in the first place. Letter to Editor Dec. 2007 Edmonton Journal:"My husband has been a gas-well testing supervisor for 15 years. Since the royalty report disaster started in the summer, he has worked a total of 15 days. There will be no Christmas in our house this year, our fridge is empty and we're on our last loaf of bread today. We no longer have a health plan and our 12 year old son is Type I Diabetic. We also no longer have a personal vehicle to transport him to the Stollery Hospital for his appointments.Social Assistance helped us pay December's rent, but stressed this would be the only help we would receive. No further help will be given from any government office.I am now driving a taxi, available to work day or night, seven days a week. My own safety is of no concern to me as long as my son's health is maintained and my family is able to eat once or twice a day....Will Mr Stelmach help us keep a roof over our heads and the heat on this winter, or is he too busy counting his royalty money?The only thing that will save Alberta is for Mr. Ralph Klein to come out of retirement. That's my Christmas wish, and I don't think I'm alone."Steady Eddy is trying to use the current global economy as a smoke screen for all his government's abuse of power which started long before the economic collapse.Fortunately, my family is fairing well during these current hard times but we are one of the few families who are. Just change a few words with unwarranted pay raises and unnecessary trips abroad, etc. Eddy and his band of muppets are bleeding this province dry and we can only blame ourselves for putting him in the position to do it. This can change. And it must. Just my opinion.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Sensitive Issues" To Be Reviewed...(And the S*%t Rolls On)

I actually started this post a few weeks ago but as I read through to delete it, it seemed to still ring true. As I continue to wait to the review of those raises, I shall do a little research of my own. Please read on... *** Premier Ed Stelmach has agreed to an independent review of the pay and benefits received by provincial politicians, while admitting he’s opening discussions on a “sensitive issue.” So just over 2 years after the factual payraises our incompetent leaders gave themselves, and 6 months after the general public even noticed, there is a request to review if these raises were warranted. I shall have to repost a previous blog referring to the above-stated pocket stuffing backroom antics. Of course, they don't deserve those exaggerated increases. And the actual pay scheme itself is dubious. Eddy clearly did not read his job description, or he just didn't understand it, period. Crockery was not listed as the main qualification. I do concede that his new P.R. spindoctor is definitively doing a fine job of not allowing daily blunders and insults from the Premier's office. Just weekly, so far. Did I read the headlines right in the business section? The Alberta Government is considering scraping "the Historical Royalty Scheme"? These good old boys are going to drive any sober and sain person to drink and a straight-jacket. The ridiculous turn-abouts, that this government is becoming famous for, are making me nauseous. And I'm not a fan of carnival rides, really. The "Apple Dumpling" Gang are not in office for the interest of any every-day Albertan. That is perfectly clear! These last few weeks of non-government, every other word is "Olympic this" "Olympic that". I've been to work every day since the games started, and I fail to see where the economic benefit is increasing the customer-base. I have seen this very same customer-base decrease steadily since the first time you were eronously put into office. Mr. Stelmach, you personally strain my belief that Karma will set the path of Nature by balance. What you put out to us Albertans should have you unconsious by now. It's against the laws of Nature that you are not yet personally suffering for your professional misconduct. I could only wish that you have Ms. Evans as your financial adviser. All your finances should dissappear within the year. Just like Alberta's did. (Or, did it?) Which brings us back to the payraise review. On the eve of the biggest global financial melt-down, 34% was illegally acquired by "our representatives" without asking their bosses. Most companies would considered that embezzelment. (I think that's the word.) The Premier's Office monthly budget postings on their website read like a page out of Grade 10 101 Accounting. Just enough information to make it look real but too general to be true. ***